Freestyle Move Difficulty: 4-Add
Name / Technical Name / Type | Difficulty | Jobs' Notation / Description | Video Example |
Atomic Eclipse |
[dex] [bod] [dex] [del]
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Backside Symposium SmearPixie Symposium Mirage |
[dex] [bod] [dex] [del]
TOE > SAME IN [DEX] > (no plant while) OP IN [BOD] [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] |
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Backside Symposium Toe BlizzardQuantum Symposium Illusion |
[dex] [bod] [dex] [del]
TOE > OP IN [DEX] > (no plant while) OP OUT [BOD] [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] |
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Backside Symposium Toe BlurQuantum Symposium Mirage |
[dex] [bod] [dex] [del]
TOE > OP IN [DEX] > (no plant while) OP IN [BOD] [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] |
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Barfly |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > SAME OUT [DEX] > SAME OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] From a clipper delay set- bring the setting leg straight from the clipper around the footbag from out to in twice. Hop off the support leg as you bring the setting leg down to a clipper delay with the support leg. |
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Blender |
[dex] [bod] [xbd] [del]
SET > OP IN [DEX] > (back) SPIN [BOD] > SAME CLIP [XBD] [DEL] A whirling osis. Begin like a whirl but then bail to an osis. Example: From a right clipper delay- whirl over the footbag with the left leg but don't put it down- instead turn out of the move scooping the bag into a left osis. |
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BlizzardStepping Paradox Illusion |
[dex] [pdx] [dex] [del]
CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > OP OUT [PDX] [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] Identical to the Blur delay except the second mirage dexterity is in the other direction. Example: From a right clipper delay- quickly bring the left leg over the bag from in to out. As you put the left leg down hop off the right leg and bring it around the bag from out to in. Now hop off the leg left and catch the bag on a left toe delay. |
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BlurStepping Paradox Mirage |
[dex] [pdx] [dex] [del]
CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > OP IN [PDX] [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] A mirage into a paradox mirage. Example: From a right clipper bring the left leg over the footbag to the ground simultaneously bringing the right leg around the footbag from in to out- just before planting the right leg hop off the left leg and catch the footbag on a left toe delay. |
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Butterfly Swirl |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
SET > SAME/OP OUT [DEX] > OP BACK SWIRL [DEX] > SAME CLIP [XBD] [DEL] Same as butterfly delay except instead of just catching the footbag on a clipper- complete a cross body inside around the world (swirl) delay straight after the leg over. |
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Da Da Curve |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > (NO PLANT WHILE) OP OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] A mirage into a butterfly delay. Example: From a right clipper delay bring the left leg over the footbag by turning your hips to the left. Without putting the left down hop off the right leg and simultaneously bring this leg over the footbag from out to in and catch the footbag in a left clipper delay. |
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DimwalkPixie Opposite Side Butterfly |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
TOE > SAME IN [DEX] (plant) > OP OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] |
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Double Around the World Heel |
[dex] [dex] [uns] [del]
TOE > SAME IN/OUT [DEX] > SAME IN/OUT [DEX] > SAME HEEL [UNS] [DEL] A double around the world ending in a heel delay. |
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Double-Over Down |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
TOE > SAME OUT [DEX] > SAME OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] From a toe delay circle the footbag from out to in twice and catch the footbag on the opposite leg clipper. Example: From a right toe delay- set the bag straight up and circle the bag twice from out to in- hop off the left leg as your bring the right leg down and catch on a left leg clipper delay. |
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Down Double-Down |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > OP OUT [DEX] > SAME OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] Two out-to-in dexterities in between 2 same-side clipper delays. Example: Right clipper delay- set the bag straight up and circle it twice from out to in- then delay the footbag on your right clipper again. |
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Ducking Butterfly |
[bod] [dex] [xbd] [del]
SET > (DUCK) [BOD] > SAME/OP OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] Example: Right clipper delay- duck the bag- right dexterity from out to in to a left clipper delay. |
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Ducking Osis |
[bod] [bod] [xbd] [del]
SET > DUCK [BOD] > SAME or OP OSIS [BOD] [XBD] [DEL] Set the footbag just over your head. Duck under the bag. Complete the move with either osis. |
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Dyno |
[dex] [bod] [xbd] [del]
SET > OP OUT [DEX] > (back) SPIN [BOD] > SAME CLIP [XBD] [DEL] A blender but the dexterity direction is the other way. |
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Fairy Butterfly |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
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Fairy Drifter |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
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Fairy MerkonFairy Spinning Legover |
[dex] [bod] [dex] [del]
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Fairy Same Side Whirl |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
TOE > SAME OUT [DEX] (plant) > SAME IN [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] |
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Fairy Spyro Mirage |
[dex] [bod] [dex] [del]
TOE > SAME OUT [DEX] > (back) SPIN [BOD] > OP IN [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] |
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Fairy Symposium Mirage |
[dex] [bod] [dex] [del]
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Fairy Whirl |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
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FlogFairy Double Legover |
[dex] [dex] [dex] [del]
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Flurry |
[dex] [dex] [dex] [del]
CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > SAME IN [DEX] > OP OUT [DEX] > SAME TOE [DEL] This is a leg over straight after a barrage. Example: From a right clipper stall plant the right leg quickly- hop off the left leg and bring it around the footbag from in to out twice. Then hop off the right leg as you bring the left leg down- bringing the right leg over the top of the footbag to land a right toe delay. |
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FluxAtomic Osis |
[dex] [bod] [xbd] [del]
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Gyro Butterfly |
[bod] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > (back) SPIN [BOD] > SAME OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] TOE > (back) SPIN [BOD] > OP OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] Example: From a right clipper- let the bag pass behind your back and without putting the right leg down turn to the right and complete a butterfly delay. |
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HazeStepping Double Legover |
[dex] [dex] [dex] [del]
CLIP > OP IN [DEX] (plant) > SAME IN [DEX] > OP OUT [DEX] > SAME TOE [DEL] This move is basically a flurry with a plant after the first dex. |
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High Plains Drifter |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > SAME IN [DEX] > SAME CLIP [XBD] [DEL] Example: From right clipper delay- quickly plant the right clipper and circle the bag from in to out twice with the left leg and then delay on the left clipper. |
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Hop Over Swirl |
[bod] [dex] [xbd] [del]
INSIDE > (JUMP) [BOD] > OP SWIRL [DEX] > SAME CLIP [XBD] [DEL] A hopping over inside around the world delay. Holding an inside delay close to the ground- the support leg jumps the suspended footbag as the other leg sets the footbag around 4 inches straight up and completes an inside around the world delay which results in ending in a clipper delay position. |
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Inspinning Butterfly |
[bod] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > (front) SPIN [BOD] > SAME OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] TOE > (front) SPIN [BOD] > OP OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] |
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Inspinning Paradox Illusion |
[bod] [pdx] [dex] [del]
CLIP > (front) SPIN [BOD] > SAME OUT [PDX] [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] TOE > (front) SPIN [BOD] > OP OUT [PDX] [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] |
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Inspinning Paradox Mirage |
[bod] [pdx] [dex] [del]
CLIP > (front) SPIN [BOD] > SAME IN [PDX] [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] TOE > (front) SPIN [BOD] > OP IN [PDX] [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] |
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Inspinning Same Side Butterfly |
[bod] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > (front) SPIN [BOD] > OP OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] TOE > (front) SPIN [BOD] > SAME OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] |
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Leg-Over Flapper Stall |
[dex] [uns] [xbd] [del]
TOE > OP OUT [DEX] > OP SOLE [XBD] [UNS] [DEL] Identical to a butterfly delay except catch the bag on a flapper delay instead of a clipper delay. |
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LegbeaterAtomic Butterfly |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
TOE > OP OUT [DEX] > OP OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] A reverse direction mirage before a butterfly delay. Example: From a right toe set- do a left leg out to in mirage- then a butterfly ending in a left clipper. |
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Miraging Eclipse |
[dex] [bod] [del] [dex]
SET > OP IN [DEX] > (JUMP) [BOD] > OP INSIDE [DEL] > OP OUT [DEX] > (LAND) A mirage into an eclipse. Example: Set the footbag from a right clipper and do an in to out dexterity with your left leg. Then jump and straight after initiate an inside delay. Bring the jumping leg over the delaying leg and back down to the ground. |
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Paradon |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
TOE > OP OUT [DEX] > SAME OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] Same as double over down except set from one leg and circle with the other. Example: From a right toe delay- set the bag across slightly and circle the bag twice from out to in with your left leg- hop off the right leg as your bring the left leg down and catch on a right leg clipper delay. |
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Paradox Barrage |
[pdx] [dex] [dex] [del]
CLIP > SAME IN [PDX] [DEX] > SAME IN [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] Example: From a right foot clipper delay- circle the bag with the right foot from in to out twice then end on a left foot toe delay. |
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Paradox Blizzard |
[pdx] [dex] [dex] [del]
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Paradox Blur |
[pdx] [dex] [dex] [del]
CLIP > SAME IN [PDX] [DEX] > OP IN [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] Example: From a left foot clipper stall- bring the left leg around the support leg and around the bag from in to out completing the 'S' shape. Then hop off your right leg and bring it around the bag from in to out landing a left toe delay. |
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Paradox Double Leg Over |
[pdx] [dex] [dex] [del]
CLIP > SAME IN [PDX] [DEX] > OP OUT [DEX] > SAME TOE [DEL] Example: Set from a left foot clipper delay- do a left leg in to out dexterity- then a right leg out to in dexterity and catch the footbag on a right toe delay. This is a paradox mirage with an extra legover at the end. |
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Paradox Drifter |
[pdx] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > SAME IN [PDX] [DEX] > SAME CLIP [XBD] [DEL] The setting leg does all the work in this move. Example: From a right clipper- set the bag around waist height. Now quickly- without ever putting the right foot down- jump and bring the right leg around the support leg and around the bag completing the 'S' shape- and back to catch the footbag on a right clipper delay. |
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Paradox Symposium Mirage |
[pdx] [bod] [dex] [del]
CLIP (plant) > (no plant while) SAME IN [PDX] [BOD] [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] Example: Set the footbag from your right foot clipper and switch your support leg (raise your left leg as you plant the right foot). Then, without planting the left foot, hop off of the right leg bringing it up and over the bag from in to out ending on a left toe delay. |
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Paradox Whirl |
[pdx] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > SAME IN [PDX] [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] A whirl delay that is set from one clipper delay and caught on the other. Set the bag so it moves across the front of your body and bring the setting leg from behind the support leg- and without putting this leg down- begin the whirl motion and end on a clipper using the other leg to do the delay. |
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ParkwalkPixie Same Side Butterfly |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
TOE > SAME IN [DEX] (plant) > SAME OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] |
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Pixie Eclipse |
[dex] [bod] [dex] [del]
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Pixie Swirl |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
TOE > SAME IN [DEX] > SAME/OP BACK SWIRL [DEX] > SAME CLIP [XBD] [DEL] Example: Right toe set- circle the footbag with your right leg from in to out- hop to the right and do a right leg swirl- coming from the back- up and over the bag- landing on a right clipper delay. |
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Pixie Whirl |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
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Pogo Butterfly |
[bod] [dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > (NO PLANT WHILE) OP IN [DEX] [BOD] > OP OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] Pogo straight to butterfly delay. Example: From a right clipper delay- hop over the footbag with the left without putting the right leg down. Then go straight to a left butterfly. |
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Pogo Paradox Mirage |
[dex] [bod] [dex] [del]
CLIP > (no plant while) OP IN [DEX] > OP IN [DEX] [BOD] > OP TOE [DEL] Example: From a right clipper set the footbag around waist height and without putting the right leg down jump over the bag with the left leg. Then bring the right leg around the footbag from in to out then land on the right leg. Finally catch the footbag on a left toe. |
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Quantum Drifter |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
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Quantum Whirl |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
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RipsteinDouble Swirl |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > SAME FRONT/BACK SWIRL [DEX] > SAME FRONT/BACK SWIRL [DEX] > SAME CLIP [XBD] [DEL] Basically a double swirl. Example: Set the bag on a right clipper- while in the cross body position, circle the footbag twice (in either direction) and catch it on the same side clipper delay. |
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RipwalkStepping Opposite Side Butterfly |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > OP OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] This move is identical to the Da Da curve except after the mirage you put the miraging leg down. Example: From a right clipper delay bring the left leg over the footbag by turning your hips to the left. Put the left leg down and use it to hop off into a left butterfly delay. |
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RoyaleParadox Reverse Drifter |
[pdx] [dex] [xbd] [del]
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S&M SmasherAtomic Barrage |
[dex] [dex] [dex] [del]
TOE > OP OUT [DEX] > OP IN [DEX] > SAME IN [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] A reverse miraging double mirage. |
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SidewalkStepping Butterfly |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > OP IN [DEX] (plant) > SAME OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] |
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SmogPixie Double Legover |
[dex] [dex] [dex] [del]
TOE > SAME IN [DEX] > OP IN [DEX] > OP OUT [DEX] > SAME TOE [DEL] Like a smear but with an extra legover at the end. |
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SmokePixie Drifter |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
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Spinning Butterfly |
[bod] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > (back) SPIN [BOD] > OP OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] TOE > (back) SPIN [BOD] > SAME OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] |
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Spinning Butterfly Kick |
[bod] [bod] [dex] [xbd]
CLIP > (back) SPIN [BOD] > JUMP [BOD] > OP OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] TOE > (back) SPIN [BOD] > JUMP [BOD] > SAME OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] A spinning butterfly ending with a kick instead of a delay. |
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Spinning Osis |
[bod] [bod] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > (back) SPIN [BOD] > (back) SPIN [BOD] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] TOE > (back) SPIN [BOD] > (back) SPIN [BOD] > SAME CLIP [XBD] [DEL] Spin before catching the footbag on an Osis. |
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Spinning Paradox Illusion |
[bod] [pdx] [dex] [del]
CLIP > (back) SPIN [BOD] > OP OUT [PDX] [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] TOE > (back) SPIN [BOD] > SAME OUT [PDX] [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] |
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Spinning Paradox Mirage |
[bod] [pdx] [dex] [del]
CLIP > (back) SPIN [BOD] > OP IN [PDX] [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] TOE > (back) SPIN [BOD] > SAME IN [PDX] [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] |
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Spyro Whirl |
[bod] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > (back) SPIN [BOD] > SAME IN [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] TOE > (back) SPIN [BOD] > OP IN [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] Same as a paradox whirl except the footbag passes behind the back. Example: From a right clipper delay- set the bag straight up and turn to the right letting the footbag pass behind your back. Then circle the bag with the right leg from the front up and over the footbag ending on a left foot clipper delay. |
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Stepping Ducking Mirage |
[dex] [bod] [dex] [del]
CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > DUCK [BOD] > SAME IN [DEX] > SAME TOE [DEL] A stepping mirage with a duck between the two dexes. |
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Stepping Eggbeater |
[dex] [dex] [dex] [del]
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Stepping Opposite Reaper |
[dex] [dex] [dex] [del]
CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > OP OUT [DEX] > SAME OUT [DEX] > SAME TOE [DEL] Basically a blurry double switch. Example: From a right clipper delay- quickly plant the right leg and bring the left leg over the bag as you hop off the right leg. Bring the right leg around the bag from out to in twice ending on a right toe delay. |
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Stepping Opposite Side Reverse Whirl |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > OP OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] A stepping set into a reverse whirl on the opposite side of your body. |
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Stepping Osis |
[dex] [bod] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > OP IN [DEX] (plant) > (front) SPIN [BOD] > SAME CLIP [XBD] [DEL] This move is basically a blender with a plant immediately following the dex. |
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Symposium Double Leg Over |
[bod] [dex] [dex] [del]
SET > (no plant while) OP IN [DEX] > OP OUT [DEX] > SAME TOE [DEL] Example: From a right toe delay- jump with both legs going over the footbag and ending on another right toe delay. Note make sure both legs go over the footbag and you do not jump around the bag. |
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Symposium Eggbeater |
[bod] [dex] [dex] [del]
SET > (no plant while) OP OUT [BOD] [DEX] > OP OUT [DEX] > SAME TOE [DEL] |
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Symposium Reverse Whirl |
[bod] [dex] [xbd] [del]
SET > (no plant while) OP OUT [BOD] [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] Identical to the symposium whirl delay but you circle the footbag the other way. Example: From a right clipper delay jump hard off the left leg and bring it over the footbag from the back up and over without putting the right leg down. Land back on the left leg. The dexterity motion comes from the knee (as in a whirl), not from the hip (as in butterfly). |
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Symposium Whirl |
[bod] [dex] [xbd] [del]
SET > (no plant while) OP IN [BOD] [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] Identical to the whirl delay but you never put the setting leg down. Example: From a right clipper delay jump hard off the left leg and bring it over the footbag from the front up and over without putting the right leg down. Land back on the left leg. |
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Terraging Opposite Clipper |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
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Terraging Same Clipper |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
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Toe Double Drifter |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
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Toe RipwalkQuantum Butterfly |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
TOE > OP IN [DEX] (plant) > OP OUT [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] |
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Toe Whirr |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
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TombstoneStepping Drifter |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > OP IN [DEX] (plant) > SAME IN [DEX] > SAME CLIP [XBD] [DEL] This move is a 'high plains drifter' with a plant after the first dex. |
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TorqueStepping Opposite Osis |
[dex] [bod] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > (back) SPIN [BOD] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] A mirage into an osis. Example: From a right clipper delay- quickly plant the right leg and bring your left leg over the bag simultaneously hopping off the right leg as you spin to the left to catch the bag on a right foot osis. |
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Triage |
[dex] [dex] [dex] [del]
SET > OP IN [DEX] > SAME IN [DEX] > SAME IN [DEX] > OP TOE [DEL] A triple dexterity mirage. |
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Triple Around The World |
[dex] [dex] [dex] [del]
TOE > SAME IN/OUT [DEX] > SAME IN/OUT [DEX] > SAME IN/OUT [DEX] > SAME TOE [DEL] Circle the footbag three times between toe delays. |
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Twirl |
[dex] [bod] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > SAME FRONT/BACK SWIRL [DEX] > (BACK) SPIN [BOD] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] A swirling osis where the swirl is done with the opposite leg as the osis. Similar to a dyno except the swirl is done with the other foot. Example: From a right clipper delay complete an inside cross body around the world. Just as your leg is heading back down to the ground- hop off the left leg- turn out of the move scooping the bag into a left osis. |
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VortexGyro Drifter |
[bod] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > (back) SPIN [BOD] > SAME IN [DEX] > SAME CLIP [XBD] [DEL] TOE > (back) SPIN [BOD] > OP IN [DEX] > SAME CLIP [XBD] [DEL] Example: From a right clipper- let the bag pass behind your back and without putting the right leg down turn to the right and complete a drifter. |
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Whirling Swirl |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > OP BACK SWIRL [DEX] > SAME CLIP [XBD] [DEL] A whirl delay followed by a swirl. Example: From a right clipper delay plant the right leg and bring the left leg over the bag from the front up and around to land this leg back in its original clipper position. After this leg has circled the bag and is racing to the ground hop off the right leg and complete an inside around the world before using this leg to finish on a clipper delay. |
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Whirr |
[dex] [dex] [xbd] [del]
SET > OP IN [DEX] > SAME IN [DEX] > OP CLIP [XBD] [DEL] A double whirl. Example: Right clipper set- circle the bag twice in the whirling direction- back to a right clipper delay. |
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WitchdoctorAtomic Symposium Mirage |
[dex] [bod] [dex] [del]
TOE > OP OUT [DEX] > (no plant while) OP IN [DEX] > OP TOE This move is a "backside symposium atom smasher" - an atom smasher where the second dexterity is symposium. |
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